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About MLL

Melrose Little League (MLL) is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing supervised baseball programs that are fun, educational and competitive for players between the age of 4 and 16.

The organization is dependent upon local Melrose volunteers and members of the community to help teach the sport, manage teams, care for fields, organize events and, most importantly, lead by example. 

Melrose Little League is part of the Massachusetts District 12 Little League which proudly serves the communities of Melrose, Medford, Malden, Somerville, Everett and East Boston. Each summer, district teams compete within the state tournament, with the 12-year old district team eligible to compete in the Little League World Series Williamsport Tournament. 

The MLL organization was formed in December 2016 following the successful merger of the Melrose National Little League (MNLL) and the Churchill American Little League (CALL) organizations.

MLL offers a baseball program with different leagues defined by age to  allow children from age 4 to age 12 to participate. The baseball divisions offered include Senior, Junior, Major, Minor, Coach Pitch, and Tee Ball levels of baseball.  Learn more
MLL offers a Spring Season (April - June), a Summer Season (July-August), and a Fall Season. Learn more

Click here to see the MLL constitution.pdf

Code of Conduct


The goal of Melrose Little League is to foster a positive environment for young baseball players in order to enhance their confidence, self-esteem, and enjoyment of sports through participation in Little League baseball. Parents, coaches, fans, umpires, and league officials should work together to ensure that the Little League experience helps everyone associated with the players to enhance their sense of fair play, respect for others, sharing, and appreciation of teamwork. They must never forget that the purpose of youth sports in general and Little League baseball in particular is to provide a healthy environment for young men and women.


While acknowledging that nearly everyone associated with Melrose Little League has some affiliation with a team or group, it must be stressed that every individual—be they player, parent, coach, fan, umpire, or league official—is responsible for his or her own behavior. The rules and guidelines set forth in this code are the responsibility of every individual to adhere with. It must also be noted that there may be behaviors and actions not specifically addressed in this document that warrant disciplinary actions. Those situations will be treated as outlined below. 


When a violation of the Code of Ethics and Behavior is reported, the following actions will occur:

• The President shall schedule a meeting of the Board of Directors as soon as is feasible

• The individual in question may attend the meeting. If a player’s behavior is being discussed, the player’s parent or guardian and manager may also attend the meeting

• The incident will be presented and discussed. All parties may contribute to the discussion

• The Board of Directors will retire to an Executive Session for further discussion and determination of sanctions (if any)

• The decision of the Board of Directors will be final. Pursuant to Little League rule XIV(a), the Board of Directors is the final arbiter. Sanctions for players, managers, and coaches may include but are not limited to warnings, suspensions, ineligibility for participation in any All Star or league-sponsored postseason teams, or some combination thereof.


Players must understand and honor the commitments they and their parents have made to their coaches, teams, and league. Players must respect all team and league rules. Players must respect the decisions of umpires. At no time will the questioning of an umpire’s ruling be tolerated. Players must always give their best effort. Players must always be honest, even when doing so results in situations unfavorable to their team. Players must not show off, trash talk, taunt, or otherwise verbally abuse anyone. Players must respect equipment and playing fields. Stealing or destroying anything will be grounds for dismissal from the league. Use of tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs, even away from the playing fields, is grounds for dismissal from the league. Use of foul language and swearing is not allowed. Throwing of equipment (including, but not limited to, bats and helmets) is not allowed. Fighting is prohibited.


Coaches must understand, respect, and honor the commitment they have made to their players, parents, and the league. Should a coach not be able to fulfill that commitment for a period of time, it is the coach’s responsibility to find another individual to fulfill his or her duties. Coaches are responsible for providing a safe and healthy environment for their teams. Coaches must understand that once a game has started the umpire has complete authority over the game, its participants, and its spectators. The umpire has the authority to ask an individual or group of individuals to leave playing field and surrounding area. Anyone asked to leave must do so immediately. Coaches must respect an umpire’s decisions. Should a coach wish to discuss a decision or call, it must be done quietly and respectfully, while still understanding that the umpire has the final authority. Coaches must serve as positive role models. Coaches must always be honest, even when doing so results in situations unfavorable to their team. Use of foul language and swearing is not allowed. Coaches must strive to ensure that everyone adheres to principles of good sportsmanship and ethics.


Parents and fans must understand that once a game has started the umpire has complete authority over the game, its participants, and its spectators. The umpire has the authority to ask an individual or group of individuals to leave the playing field and surrounding area. Anyone asked to leave must do so immediately. Parents and fans must show proper respect for games officials, participants and coaches from both teams, and other parents and fans. Parents and fans must respect an umpire’s decision. Parents and fans must show proper respect for equipment and property. Parents and fans must remain off the playing field at all times. Tobacco, alcohol, and drug use are forbidden. Anyone who uses these substances at a game or attends a game under their influence will be asked to leave the playing field and surrounding areas. Parents and fans must strive to be good role models and ensure that everyone adheres to principles of good sportsmanship and ethics.


Umpires must never abuse their authority. Umpires must be punctual Umpires must dress appropriately. Umpires must be fair and even-handed. Umpires must know the rules. If an umpire has forgotten a rule, s/he should ask for assistance from a league official. It is more important to get a call correct than to make a call quickly.


League officials must remember that they are responsible for the entire league. All decisions must be made with the greater good of the league in mind, even when doing so may result in an unfavorable situation for an individual or team. League officials must be respectful of coaches, parents and fans, players, and umpires. League officials must serve as positive role models. League officials must always be honest, even when doing so results in situations unfavorable to one individual or team. League officials must understand that once a game has started the umpire has complete authority over the game, its participants, and its spectators. The umpire has the authority to ask an individual or group of individuals to leave playing field and surrounding area. Anyone asked to leave must do so immediately. League officials should not intervene in the action on the field unless requested to do so by the umpire. League officials must ensure that players, coaches, and parents and fans adhere to the principles of good sportsmanship and ethics. 


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