Heat up the cold winter weekend by joining us for Melrose Little League's Second Annual Sports Trivia Bowl! Leave the kids at home, enjoy a night out with friends, and support a great cause in the process!
Put together a team of up to four, or sign up alone and we'll help place you on a team at the event. Don't like trivia but want to hang out with friends? No problem! There's so much more at Sports Trivia Bowl 2. All are welcome to join for the food, fun, and festivities.
You'll get: Buffet dinner, wine pull, trivia entry, raffles, games and a chance to etch your name into eternal greatness as the winner of this prestigious trophy.
When: Saturday, February 8th, 7-10 p.m.
Where: Knights of Columbus, West Emerson St. Melrose.
Why: All proceeds go to benefit Melrose Little League field improvements and the annual MLL scholarship fund.
Tickets: $75/person includes buffet dinner, entry into the trivia bowl, a cash bar. raffles, games and more.
Please note: While we love our players, we all need a night away once in a while. This is an adults-only event
Questions: [email protected]